
Jeremy Moulsdale

Jeremy Moulsdale creates contemporary, figuratively based sculptures, that manifest the human spirit with lightness and grace. 

He says “My inspiration comes from the moments in life when my soul is touched and my spirit soars. Often simple moments, when I see the moon in the clear night sky or get lifted on the wings of a passing bird. My creative heart is stirred when I feel a sweet reverence for life.”

Now based in Sussex, Jeremy grew up exploring the wilds of North Wales and Shropshire. His love of nature and desire to be creative first led him to become a gardener and garden designer. He was drawn into sculpture through carving pieces of wood that he found in nature. This developed into sculpting in clay and plaster. When he started creating sculptures for gardens, his two passions merged. The first garden sculpture he made was chosen to be the centre piece of a Show Garden at Hampton Court Palace Flower Show. Since then his work has been in much demand and has been shown in some of the great gardens of England and can be found in private collections around the world.

Most of his work is cast in limited editions of bronze or iron resin. They are also available in foundry bronze.

“A tour de force in lighthearted and thoughtful art for the garden”.

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